

发布时间:2025-02-17 02:04:24作者:心经全文网
慧光法师:无佛离本性空 《大般若波罗蜜多经》云: 「善现当知!定无诸佛离本性空而出世者,诸佛出世无不皆说本性空义,所化有情要闻佛说本性空理乃入圣道,得圣道果,离本性空无别方便。 是故,善现!诸菩萨摩诃萨欲证无上正等菩提,应正安住本性空理,修行六种波罗蜜多及余菩萨摩诃萨行。若正安住本性空理,修行六种波罗蜜多及余菩萨摩诃萨行,终不退失一切智智,常能利乐一切有情。

」白话翻译(慧光法师): 佛说:「须菩提要知道啊!决定没有诸佛离开本性空而出现在世间的,诸佛出现在世间没有不皆说本性是空的义理,所教化的众生要听闻到本性空的真理才能入于圣道,证得圣道果,离开本性空没有其他的方法了。所以,须菩提!诸菩萨想要证得无上的智慧,应当要正确地安住在本性空的真理,修行六种波罗蜜多及其余菩萨的修行。若菩萨正确安住在本性空的真理,修行六种波罗蜜多及其余菩萨的修行,终究不会退转丧失佛的智慧,恒常能利益安乐一切众生。」英文翻译(慧光法师):Buddha in the 《Mahaprajnaparamita Sutra》 says:"Subhuti you should know! Apart from the emptiness of essential nature, there certainly will be no Buddhas manifest in the world. All the Buddhas who manifest in the world, none do not teach the emptiness of essential nature. It is through hearing the Buddhas speaking this Truth that the essential nature is empty, all the sentient beings are then able to enter the Noble Path and attain the result of the Noble Path. Apart from the emptiness of essential nature, there is no other means.Therefore, Subhuti! All Boddhisttvas who wish to realize supreme perfect Enlightenment should correctly dwell in this Truth that the essential nature is empty, cultivate the six paramitas and other Boddhisattva practices. If the Bodhisattva correctly dwell in this Truth that the essential nature is empty, cultivate the six paramitas and other Bodhisattva practices, he/she will never lost the Buddha’s wisdom and is always able to benefit all sentient beings."



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